The Mercs

The limousine approached us in cover of darkness and as I opened the doors, I saw that Victor was already seated next to Senator Foxtrite. We had planned to smuggle ourselves out of the country by these means, it meant a good deal of cash, but well worth it. My earlier suspicions dissipated as the blue license plates became visible as the car approached us. Opening the door was like entering a new life and closing them akin to shutting out the terrible mares we went through to get here. When the limo drove to the border, the customary wave to go ahead was given. No sane soldier would dare detain this car. It would mean an international outcry of sorts. Imagine, detaining the limousine of the first superpower! So as we saw the lights grow dimmer and dimmer, Senator Foxtrite became anxious. ”Where’s the Intel?” He asked. We both looked at him, and showed him that the info had been surgically implanted in Victors left side arm, for security reasons, near the veins. The Senator didn’t flinch, he made a few phone calls, and before we knew it Victor was under the knife to remove the Intel. ”You’ve done a great service to the country boys!” He exclaimed. Later on, as the news hit the airwaves, we saw the consequences of the intel, we caused the invasion of Astonia.

The scar the operation left in Victor’s left arm was still visibly to this day, and as we sat drinking our whiskies, he asked me ”so what of you’ve been doing lately?” I didn’t have the heart to tell him the many covert ops I had been sent to ever since our last op and him being discovered as a double agent. I knew how much he strove after action. I looked at him and said ”not much, I spent yesterday eating chocolate and drinking whiskey all day, you though?” He stared, for a second, guessing by my appearance that I was most likely lying. Remaining silent he continued watching the tv, cracking peanuts between his fingers, a sign we in the business use to pretend we are locals when in reality we are about to infiltrate.