– You really haven’t noticed?
– Nope.
– Not once giving it a thoguht?
– Are you talking to yourself again?
– Just hear me out.
– Oh God! Not again. Alright, Spill it out then.

Gardner sat silently and brought out his Stanwell Pipe, a Sixtus Smooth model. He invariably never failed to tell a story about how he got it and his consequent trip to Denmark. Yet this time he didn’t. He lit it up, took some puffs and sat relaxed. He began speaking as Anastacia accomodated herself near the edge of the sofa.

– One often hears of the trinity, body, mind and soul.
– You’re really gonna talk about that!? Oh, Lord …
– Shh Anastacia! Well, as I was saying. A lot of thought is given to the body, in fact, one could nearly argue that it is the domain of the femme. They spend much time in touch with it, they know their constitution like I know my pipes. Then there is the soul, countless of words and dialogues are poured out on this subject so that a lack of knowledge in that area is hardly missing.
– Is this going somewhere Gardner?
– Allow me to expand. The mind is mysteriously absent here, you see what I mean? Why don’t we know more of the mind than what we already know? Something is amiss.
– I can answer that mystery for you Gardner, the mind, my freund, is the place of convergence for soul and body, got it?
– Dear Anastacia, how little you know on this subject, not to say that I know anymore. You see? This is exactly what I mean. Here’s what I’ve come to think thus far. I’ve come to notice how at times am busy writing, a mind activity, and it baffles me how sometimes words just come out of me of which I lack explanation as to their origins, whence come they?
– Your pulling water way over your head Gardner, go read some more. Anastacia raised herself from the sofa and got ready to leave.
– Alright, I gave your fifteen minutes Warhol, gotta go, I’ll see later Gardner, you take it easy ok?
Gardner, kept puffing his pipe, it seemed as if he had giving it a lot of thought for all I could hear was a low, quiet farewell, he said “Yeah, thanks for the listening, you be good now”, and as he raised up from the chair, he walked to the kitchen, to get his coat. I dashed away.

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